8 Weeks Stronger Guide
8 Weeks Stronger is a minimal equipment Strength Program designed for you to build lean muscle at home or in the gym!
8 Weeks Stronger was designed not only to improve aesthetics but to challenge you. This program emphasizes building strength, optimizing recovery, and your time. This program will help you overcome obstacles in your mind, and in the gym. These simple weight-lifting exercises are perfect for achieving the body you desire.
This is a four-day split strength program that will guide you to build lean muscle mass while burning unwanted fat. All you need is 50 minutes, a kettlebell, dumbbells, a glute band, a napkin (or slider), and a foam roller.
Don’t have all of those items? Many of my clients used bags of rice, towels, and objects around the house for weights.
This program is a 50-minute split 4x per week.
This program is a 4-day strength program.
The workout split is Back, Chest, Glutes, and Quads, with a 5-minute ab routine daily (I mean of course, right?)
This is perfect for the gym or at home.
-Video demonstrations for each movement
-Core workouts
You get a daily 5-minute ab routine! This practice is how I started defining my 6-pack!
This program is 8 weeks in total and workouts can be completed within 50 minutes. All of these workouts can be repeated as many times as you desire. I highly recommend progressing to my other guides or programs for the best results in building lean muscle.
-All you need is a Kettlebell, dumbbells, a glute band, a napkin (or slider), and a foam roller.
Recommended Guides
(found at nataliekimballfitness.com)
-Back To Basics Nutrition Trainer
-Confidence 12-Week Mindset Series
What do I recommend next for you after this?
-12 weeks strong
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