I do standup comedy and I recently got back up on stage in SD in gaslamp yesterday. Was my first time since performing in NYC a couple years ago. Back in NYC I always felt a little self-conscious on stage. I thought I looked chubby in my comedy videos. (Stage lighting does NOT help a lady out lol) But I performed my first set yesterday and all I’m doing is admiring my booty gains!I’m going to get myself into even better shape, but most importantly, I’ve been learning to love myself within and it’s made all the difference. Natalie is such an inspiration to me because of her way with words, positive mindset, confidence, and bubbly personality that can radiate a room! Words and kindness can affect people more than you know. Thank you Nat for always pushing me and teaching me how to create a positive spin on anything. |
Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science, Minor in Athletic Training, Central Washington University
Diagnostic Health and Fitness Technician, Pierce College CERTIFICATIONS